Salsa Sauce Topping
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Fish frit burger タイムと白ワインでマリネした真鱈のフリットに自家製タルタルソースを合わせたオリジナルバーガー! An original burger with a homemade tartar sauce combined with cod fritters marinated in thyme and white wine!
Green Thai curry with thick chicken broth 当店ランチの大定番! クセになるココナッツと鶏出汁の濃厚なコク。それに負けない青唐辛子の辛さでリピート確実です!! ビールとの相性もバッチリです! It's a lunchtime staple! The richness of the addictive coconut and chicken broth. The hotness of the green chili pepper is as hot as it gets. It goes great with beer too!