Vavin 酒盒子

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11/20【Vavin 酒盒子 x earnestos 餐廳|跨界合作餐酒會】
Nanyang Casual Fine Dining x France Burgundy & Languedoc Wine
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活動簡介 / About Event

在優秀的餐搭酒(Wine Pairing)中,食物與葡萄酒彼此的味道平衡為重要的關鍵。也因為如此,能夠巧妙地以法國葡萄酒搭配香料四溢的南洋風格料理則為難得的體驗。

同為愛酒人的Vavin團隊特別設計了與earnestos餐廳跨界合作的餐酒會。餐點將搭配來自法國釀酒家族「Collovray et Terrier」之酒款。「Collovray et Terrier」目前經營的酒莊分別有法國布根地的「Domaine Deux Roches en Bourgogne」以及南法隆格多克「Domaine Altugnac en Languedoc」。

因此此餐宴的特色除了難得的「亞洲南洋 x 法國葡萄酒」Pairing外;同時也可以品嚐同一個品種、同一個家族的釀酒經驗如何在兩個截然不同的地塊創造出各具美麗風味的葡萄酒。

晚宴當天將邀請家族酒莊經營人——Romain Bourgeois與Vavin台裔法籍總監——Claude Chen和各位嘉賓一同交流關於釀酒、品飲、餐搭酒的各種經驗。

In a well-curated wine pairing, the balance of flavors between food and wine is essential. Thus, pairing French wines with spice-rich Southeast Asian dishes makes for a rare and exciting experience.

As fellow wine enthusiasts, the Vavin team has specially designed a cross-collaborative dining event with Chef Ernest. The dishes will be paired with wines from the French winemaking family “Collovray et Terrier,” which operates both the “Domaine Deux Roches en Bourgogne” in Burgundy and the “Domaine Altugnac en Languedoc” in southern France.

This dinner not only highlights the unique “Southeast Asian x French Wine” pairing but also offers a chance to experience how the same grape variety and winemaking family can create beautifully distinct wines across two diverse terroirs.

On the evening of the dinner, we’ll be joined by Romain Bourgeois, winery representative of “Collovray et Terrier”, along with Claude Chen, director of Vaivin, to share insights and experiences in winemaking, tasting, and pairing with every guests.

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