個人班/迷你團體班 Individual Class


課程時間及內容皆依學生需求客製化訂定,每周至少 2 小時,共 20 小時。
The class schedule is set according to the student's needs with 2 hours minimum per week, 20 hours in total.

【報名費 Registration Fee】
- 國內報名 To apply in Taiwan: NT$ 500
- 海外報名 To apply from abroad: US$ 20

【注意事項 Note】
- 學費不包含書籍、教材費用。
- The textbooks are not included in the tuition.
- 每堂課上課時間為 50 分鐘。
- 50 minutes for each class.
- 個人班學費繳費完成後,一律不予退費。
- The tuition is non-refundable.

According to Ministry of Education regulations, students applying for the visa of studying Chinese or the ARC must take 15 hours a week.

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Free Chinese Learning Resources ! EZ Chinese is a special series on Chinese to Go, which is jointly produced by the Chinese Language Center of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages and Radio Taiwan International. 《中文好好學》是由文藻外語大學華語中心與中央廣播電臺聯合製作,提供全球聽眾透過各大知名播客平台,學習華語零時差! EZ Chinese es una serie especial sobre "Chinese to Go", producida conjuntamente por el Centro de Lengua China de la Universidad de Idiomas Extranjeros Wenzao y Radio Taiwán Internacional.

正規華語團體班 Regular Chinese Course

REGULAR CHINESE COURSES 【SMALL CLASSES】​ → A limit of 10 students per class permits greater teacher/student interaction.​ ​ 【YEARS OF EXPERIENCE】 ​ → Each year we welcome a huge number of diverse students to CLC to learn about Chinese language and culture.​ ​ 【 POLYGLOT CAMPUS】​ → International students have a wide variety of opportunities to interact with local students.​ ​ 【HIGHLY MOTIVATING TEACHING METHODS】​ → We offer personalized teaching, supplemented with multimedia technology and distance learning.​ ​ 【開課日期 Upcoming Terms】 ​ → 2012 Winter/2020.11.30 - 2021.02.19​ → 2103 Spring/2021.03.08 - 2021.05.21​ → 2106 Summer/2021.06.07 - 2021.08.20​ → 2109 Autumn/2021.09.06 - 2021.11.19​ → 2112 Winter/2021.12.06 - 2022.02.25​ ​ 【上課時間 Course Time】 ​ ​ → 每週 15 小時,共 11 週。​ → 15 hours per week for 11 weeks.​ ​ 【學費 Tuition】 ​ → NT$ 28,050 ​ (11 weeks)​ ​ 【新生報名費 Registration Fee】​ → To apply in Taiwan: NT$ 500​ → To apply from abroad: US$ 20​ ​ 【醫療保險費 Medical Insurance Fee】​ → NT$1,500 per term​ ​ 【早鳥優惠折扣 Early Bird Discount】​ 於優惠期限前完成報名手續並繳費者: ​ → 新生:學費打 95 折。​ → 舊生:學費打 9 折。​ Applicants complete the application and tuition payment before the discount deadline will receive a:​ → New Applicants: 5% discount. ​ → Former Students: 10% discount.


Focus on conversation and cultural experience. Tuition varies with the customized program content. The CLC organizes tailor-made courses for groups from universities and international institutions. These customized programs are designed on the basis of the individual characteristics of each particular group. Combining active classes with cultural activities, students not only learn Chinese but also become immersed in the local culture. The numbers of hours, dates and content of study can be adjusted at the group’s request. The types of accommodation and trips can be chosen. Tutoring and opportunities of interaction with local students are available. We also offer other benefits to students and teachers wishing to accompany the group. Program Information Airport Transportation Arrangement Weekend Homestay (can be arranged) Language and Cultural Classes Group Activities with Local Students Free Tutoring and After Class Sightseeing with Partners For further details or other clarification, please contact us: oc3002@mail.wzu.edu.tw

對外華語教學師資培訓班 & 對外華語教學能力認證衝刺班

為推動華語師資培訓並儲備本校華語師資,每年定期舉辦海內外優秀華語教師培訓課程。凡具國內外各公私立大學學歷或大專在學學生,不限科系均可報名參加。結業於他校華語師資班學員,亦歡迎選修進階課程。學員培訓期滿,結業考試成績及格,並符合相關規定者,由本校發予結業證書。成績優良者,可延聘為本校華語中心兼任教師,有機會透過本校推薦,參加教育部甄選至國外大學任教。 This programme trains both CLC teachers and students aspiring to teach Chinese abroad. Applicants must be university graduates and pass an exit test. A certificate of completion will then be awarded. Outstanding students may be hired as future CLC teachers.

🔥線上華語班 Online Chinese Course

Online Chinese Courses