時計の聖地とも言われ時計店が軒を連ねる中野ブロードウェイに店舗がございます。新品はもちろんですが、綺麗なコンディションに拘った中古品と幅広いラインナップを取り揃えております。 またお買い取りについても激戦地ならではの高価買取を実施中です。お見積もりだけでも結構ですので、お気軽にお問い合わせください。お客様にはゆっくりと寛ぎながら楽しく時計選びをして頂きたいと思っております。気になる時計がございましたら、ぜひお手に取ってお試しください。 ご来店が難しい方には、コンディションやご不明点など、どんな事でもご相談ください。安心してご利用頂ける様、解りやすく丁寧なご案内を心がけております。

Our store is located in Nakano Broadway, which is known as a sacred place for watches and is lined with watch stores. We have a wide lineup of new watches as well as used watches that are in excellent condition. We are also in the midst of a fierce competition to purchase the most expensive watches in the market. Please feel free to contact us even if you just need an estimate. We want our customers to enjoy selecting a watch while relaxing and having fun. If there is a watch you are interested in, please feel free to try it on. For those who are unable to visit our store, please feel free to ask us any questions you may have about the condition or any other questions you may have. We will try to provide you with easy-to-understand and courteous information so that you can use our services with peace of mind.