Chikly LDT淋巴引流治療

對治療疾病來說,淋巴系統是下一個全新探索的領域。由於淋巴系統如此細微與複雜因此長期被忽略,然而這個細胞廢物代謝系統的秘密已被Bruno Chikly完全破解。----「從心治療(Healing from the Heart)」作者,心胸科外科醫師Mehmet Oz推薦 淋巴引流治療(Lymph Drainage Therapy, LDT)是Bruno Chikly醫師所提出的尖端淋巴引流技術。所有LDT技術都是根據最新與獲獎無數研究所開發出來。 LDT課程採用了傳統淋巴引流技術並大幅提升其精確度。LDT是世上第一個能讓治療人員精確地偵測與觸診身上任一處淋巴流動之節奏、深度、方向與品質的技術。熟練的治療人員配合獨特之觸診技巧(listening skills)還能具備「淋巴管徒手定位(Manual Lymphatic Mapping, MLM)」的能力。LDT治療師可以藉由雙手評估與促進淋巴整體循環,同時決定那個方向是引流阻滯體液的最佳路徑(包括淋巴液、組織間液、關節滑液等)。LDT治療師雙手平放於體表,以手指創造出輕柔、特定、如波浪般的動作。這樣細緻的動作可以活化淋巴與組織間液循環,同時刺激免疫與副交感神經的活性與功能性。 LDT課程內容將幫助學生具備描繪淋巴通道的能力(Manual Lymphatic Mapping, MLM),判別何處發生組織液阻塞或纖維化,並找到最佳路徑予以引流。學員還能在高階課程學習如何處理粘膜、肌肉、筋膜、肌腱、骨膜、內臟、眼睛腔室、硬腦膜、軟腦膜、組織間液、關節滑液以及血管的問題。 LDT高階課程還包括淋巴筋膜鬆弛術(Lympho-Fascia Release, LFR),這個技術的目的在於鬆弛筋膜與體液的受限。這些技術能應用於內臟、韌帶、肌腱、板機點或身體任一處之筋膜。 其它系列之LDT將介紹獨特的滑囊液技術,可用以鬆弛人體關節,這些關節甚至包括極少提及或應用的胚胎關節(Embryological articulations)(詳情請參閱FAR - LDT Rhythmic Articular Fluid Technique)。


● Professional Applied Kinesiology 與一般的 Applied Kinesiology 有何不同! The term "Professional Applied Kinesiology (PAK)" has been protected by the International College of Applied Kinesiology (ICAK) for the users who can demonstrate a training and examination recognized by ICAK. In contrast to the "applied kinesiology" and other forms of kinesiology, the Professional Applied Kinesiology is applied exclusively by therapists with a medical qualification. Therefore, the classical form of AK is the only one offering the full spectrum of therapeutic possibilities. It has been scientifically refined for more than 40 years and has been systematized by thousands of doctors, dentists, chiropractors, osteopaths and physiotherapists around the world. ●WHAT IS PROFESSIONAL APPLIED KINESIOLOGY (PAK)? Professional Applied Kinesiology is a method of functional neuromuscular assessment that uses the manual muscle test to diagnose and treat structural (osteo-muscular), chemical (metabolic and allergic / toxic) and emotional disorders through efficient test protocols. As an original manual medical method, it enables differentiated and efficient chirotherapy and craniosacral treatments. The functional effects of orthodontic measures on the overall structure can be precisely determined with AK. In the field of clinical ecology (effects of environmental and environmental disturbances on the organism), hormonal regulation disorders and pain diseases, causal relationships can be uncovered and an efficient therapies scheme can be developed. Reliable hearth / interference field tests and material tests are possible in the dental field. In addition, it offers psychosomatically oriented therapy possibilities. The applications in the field of structure, chemistry and psyche make the AK an indispensable method in any modern general medical, dental, orthopedic and physiotherapeutic practice.