"My Core"
We are happy to announce our premier collection of limited edition twill silk scarves. Design based on art work of artist Hiroko Shiina
限定版ツイル シルク スカーフのプレミア コレクションを発表します。 アーティスト・椎名弘子氏の作品をモチーフにしたデザインです。
● Sand Of My Thoughts
A mysterious beauty with long hair looks mischievously at us. Who is she? She’s her own image of a modern girl woven from desires and adornments. Her thoughts reach deep into the imaginary world, building her own universe from sand, grain by grain, from where she surveys reality. Her universe is her beauty, her knowledge, memory and feelings. She carefully guards her mind and the sand of her thoughts is not a barren desert, but treasures she has carefully collected.
● 思索の砂地 湿度と秩序を纏った脳漿のゆりかごが
・Unique design based on art work by Hiroko Shiina
・100% twill silk
・Sustainable high precision printing technique
・Edge rolls are hand-stitched
・limited edition
・Made in Japan
・Dimensions: 105 x 105 cm / 41.5 x 41.5 inches
・サイズ: 105 x 105 cm / 41.5 x 41.5 インチ"My Core"
We are happy to announce our premier collection of limited edition twill silk scarves. Design based on art work of artist Hiroko Shiina
限定版ツイル シルク スカーフのプレミア コレクションを発表します。 アーティスト・椎名弘子氏の作品をモチーフにしたデザインです。
●The Mechanism Of My Heart
A beautiful woman is very vulnerable. She strives to protect the world of her feelings and heart. Closing it to outer emptiness, it becomes her landscape. Holding herself still to focus on keeping her spark, she overcomes the boundaries of time and space. Magical flowers, so natural and at the same time other-worldly, will never wither in her soul.
透けるほど薄く滑らかな皮膜の中 集合的無意識の溟海に浮かぶ燦然たるコア 灯台守は安らかな拒絶の斜線を降ろす 記憶を繋げて組み上がる柔弱な箱庭の鼓動で 私の意識を湛えた溶液を循環させて 今日も明日も
・Unique design based on art work by Hiroko Shiina
・100% twill silk
・Sustainable high precision printing technique
・Edge rolls are hand-stitched
・limited edition
・Made in Japan
・Dimensions: 105 x 105 cm / 41.5 x 41.5 inches
・椎名浩子のアートワークをベースにしたユニークなデザイン ・シルクツイル100%
・サイズ: 105 x 105 cm / 41.5 x 41.5 インチ"My Core"
We are happy to announce our premier collection of limited edition twill silk scarves. Design based on art work of artist Hiroko Shiina
限定版ツイル シルク スカーフのプレミア コレクションを発表します。 アーティスト・椎名弘子氏の作品をモチーフにしたデザインです。
● Cowardly
The world of fantasy can be beautiful but also frightening. Doubts and fears make tender souls suspicious and vulnerable. They build up a protective barrier, which they enhance and decorate to be more ornate and elegant day by day, like a little bird tirelessly building its nest. This magnificent, proud, protective shield guards the vulnerable soul, simultaneously bringing her peace and expressing her essence to the outside world.
● Cowardly
・Unique design based on art work by Hiroko Shiina
・100% twill silk
・Sustainable high precision printing technique
・Edge rolls are hand-stitched
・limited edition
・Made in Japan
・Dimensions: 105 x 105 cm / 41.5 x 41.5 inches
・椎名浩子のアートワークをベースにしたユニークなデザイン ・シルクツイル100%
・サイズ: 105 x 105 cm / 41.5 x 41.5 インチ