スパイス香る大人のキーマカレー Adult's Spice
週替わりメニュー 国産の牛と豚の合挽き肉をたくさんのスパイスとハーブと燻製煮卵で仕上げた贅沢な大人のキーマカレー A luxurious adult's curry made with domestic minced beef and pork with plenty of herbs and spiced finished with a smoked egg.
週替わりメニュー 国産の牛と豚の合挽き肉をたくさんのスパイスとハーブと燻製煮卵で仕上げた贅沢な大人のキーマカレー A luxurious adult's curry made with domestic minced beef and pork with plenty of herbs and spiced finished with a smoked egg.