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凱豐機械於 2002 年成立,以「質、精、穩、準、實」作為我們團隊的共同信念與精神。主要的銷售市場位於大中華, 東南亞,中東, 北美及歐洲等,銷售範圍以穩定的成長量在持續擴張中。
我司致力於開發高品質, 高精度與高複合式應用的機械設備。現有產品線具備多樣化的車床及銑床設備, 而所有產品的開發主軸都是為客戶端的生產效益增加為導向,如動力刀塔與自動化上下料等高度複合化機種。
KAIFENG MACHINERY was founded in 2002 with a shared belief in "Quality, Precision, Stability, Accuracy, and Reality". We primarily serve markets in Greater China, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Europe, North America, and South America for our sales and services. We are continuously expanding our sales reach and machining capabilities.
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一體成型斜背式鑄件提高機構剛性,且 30˚ 斜背式床鞍及低重機身設計提供主軸頭,刀塔及尾座穩固的基座。堅持使用台灣製鑄件,提供使用者可信賴的品質保障與設備耐用度。 One piece casting slant bed design provides better structure rigidity. With the 30˚ slant bed design and heavy-duty structure foundation, an optimization of the rigidity of the overall machine structure is applied to the headstock, turret, and tailstock.
全系列銑床線性滑軌產品皆採用滾柱式導軌,以充分滿足高速度和高穩度的加工需求。這些導軌具有卓越的整體性能,提供卓越的定位精度和極低的摩耗力,適用於多樣化的加工需求。 High efficiency with perfect accuracy. Kaifeng Machinery has remained true to traditional production methods, selecting materials known as the best in the industry. This machine will meet your needs and provide you with optimal efficiency.
門型自動上下料系統是一種用於機械加工設備的自動化系統,通常應用於電腦車床、銑床和其他類似的製造設備。此系統的主要功能是在機械加工過程中實現工件的自動裝卸,以提高生產效率並減少人工操作。 An automatic parts loading and unloading system provides a solution to the high labor mobility issue, with the added benefit of offering high production output. The system is compatible with both one-to-one and one-to-many machines. This is a future trend that you would not want to miss!