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本店成立於1960年,為專業的水泵浦批發商,深耕桃園、新竹與苗栗地區多年,經銷與維修家庭用、工業用水泵浦 (抽水機)、加壓泵浦 (加壓機)、馬達等商品與零配件。本店為丹麥葛蘭富 (GRUNDFOS) 授權經銷商,也是台灣木川 (KIKAWA)、大井 (WALRUS)、協昌 (SEA CHUNG)、河見 (HCP)、松河 (SONHO)、久欣 (JS)、奇格 (C-AO)、台泉、日本鶴見 (Tsurumi)、美國富蘭克林 (Franklin Electric)、德國威樂 (WILO) 等國內外知名品牌的特約經銷商。本店服務迅速、產品齊全、價格實在,歡迎您隨時親臨或來電諮詢。更多資訊請瀏覽本店網站。 We are the leading distributor and wholesaler, founded in 1960 in Hsin Chu city, Taiwan, selling and repairing domestic and industrial water pumps, boosters, motors, accessories and parts. We are also the premium authorized dealer of GRUNDFOS, KIKAWA, WALRUS, SEA CHUNG, HCP, SONHO, JS, C-AO, Tsurumi, Franklin Electric and other well-known local & international brands. It will be our honor to serve you and provide you the best choice and great experience. Our services range from Tao Yuan, Hsin Chu to Miao Li district. We sincerely welcome you anytime. Please visit our website for more information.

Country or region: Taiwan