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用心裁量 讓內心發光

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樂芙莉品牌宗旨 對於女人來說,內著是內心深處的詮釋。有的人渴望華麗的展現, 有的人衷於無拘的自我,樂芙莉致力於為每位女性立體剪裁既舒適 又能展現美麗內心的個性內著,在褪去外在框架的那一剎那, 能更自在的面對真實的自己。 For women, innerwear can be an interpretation of their mind. Some of them long for the gorgeous appearance, while some people want to express their true self. Lovely is contributing to tailoring delicate and comfortable innerwear, for women’s confident inner self.

Country or region: Taiwan