這球音樂成立於2006年,為台北最具指標性流行音樂人才培訓中心,專營各類音樂培訓課程並以提供優質學習環境享譽盛名。業界深耕十餘年,合作企業包含:SONY索尼音樂娛樂、民視、摩根投信、遠東集團、韓國Zenith娛樂、GQ Taiwan、中信銀行、合作金庫、日本ESP音樂學院、日本MI音樂學院等......。這球一直致力於網羅業內最富表演經驗、教學經驗之專業音樂師資,教學項目含括音樂製作、創作、編曲、詞曲創作、錄音工程、歌唱、爵士鼓、電吉他、民謠吉他、電貝斯、keyboard、流行鋼琴等熱門樂器,每位教師皆擅長以深入淺出及生動有趣的方式教授音樂技藝,其專業技術能力、實務經驗、教學技巧等皆經過嚴格篩選。長年來這球服務過的客層從4歲到60歲、初學入門者及進階研修者皆包含其中,近十年來已培育出數千位專職音樂人,有的現已活躍於獨立及流行音樂圈,有的更已成為職業樂手。

The Ball Music Studio founded in 2006 and can be regarded as the most prestigious music training institute in Taipei; it is famous for its excellent learning environment and various kind of music lessons in the industry. With over a decade of training experience, The Ball Music Studio has been dedicated to recruiting the most experienced instructors and offering diversified lessons including vocal, drums, guitar, bass, keyboard and piano. With its unique selecting system, all The Ball Music Studio instructors not only are professional in coaching but also are skilled in performance. The Ball Music Studio is proud of its flexible services. The age range of its students is from 4 to 60, and their levels are covered from beginners to advanced learners. In the past years, the Ball Music Studio has cultivated thousands of musicians; some of them are active in both independent and popular music industry now and some of them already become professional musicians.