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全世界最薄的餅只有0.1公分,輕薄如紙,可透光,香脆可口,吃後令人愛不釋手,它的名字就叫做「宜蘭餅」。這項創舉巧思全來自於這位製餅達人劉鐙徽師父的巧手;以純手工的方式,除口感絕佳外,更融入健康概念,以精緻的包裝,成為最具代表性的時尚名品。 世界一薄い中華風「宜蘭餅」の厚さはわずかの0.1cm。この紙のように薄くて透光なクッキーはパリパリのやみつき食感があります。「宜蘭餅」は中華風クッキーの達人"劉鐙徽シェフ"のオリジナル傑作です。手作りなので、味わいが抜群だけではなく、健康商品としても薦めします。「宜蘭餅」に精緻なパッケージを加え、台湾で代表的なファッショナブルギフトと言えるでしょう! 「宜蘭餅」は前大統領から世界一のクッキーと賞賛され、また華視ニュース、非凡ニュースなど大手マスコミにも報道されました。 The thinnest biscuit in the world is merely 0.1 cm in thickness; it is as light as a piece of paper and pervious to light. It also happens to be so crispy and delicious that you won’t be able to stop eating after the first bite. It is known as the “Yi-Lan Biscuit”, and this creative delicacy came from the agile hands of Mr. Liu Teng-Hui, a master biscuit-maker. The Yi-Lan Biscuit is purely hand-baked; apart from its marvelous taste, special ingredients have been added to its recipe to make it a healthy snack as well. With exquisite packaging, the Yi-Lan Biscuit makes a fine specialty product that represents Yi-Lan best.

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