
Friends 801

營業時間 18:00~1:00


逢甲屋台街位在逢甲路與福星路,雖然少了讓人食指大動的小吃,卻林立著各種不同的小店,這些小店大都是店家自己到國外帶貨回來,每一家店都獨具個人特色,大多販售台灣沒有代理或稀有商品、各式服飾、手錶、鞋坊、精品店無奇不有,款式新穎、貨色齊全,且因應逢甲商性質,價格都高貴不貴,卻能買到如:雜誌限定款、只有在網上才能買到的各式流行品牌單品、日韓獨一無二的飾品、設計師自創品牌服飾,內行人的血拚聖地,讓人目不暇己購物天堂,您不得不知道的好去處。 這裡的店家大部分在下午五點準備,下午六點過後才會開始營業,晚上七點至十點左右人潮最多,凌晨一點以前休息,所以想要在逢甲玩得盡興,千萬要把計畫放在夜晚,以免只看到店門口的裝飾,卻不得其門而入。Feng Chia Wu-Tai Street is located near Feng Chia University at the intersection of Feng Chia Road and Fu Hsing Road. The mall is open daily from 6:00pm to 1:00am. The mall sells unique imported items unlike anything else you can find in Taiwan. Each store features an edited collection of classic designs, along with Taiwan, Korea, Japan’s and other country’s outerwear, handbags, belts, jewelry and shoes. The products mix effortlessly with limited-edition pieces from Collection labels. There is everything from designer accessories to fashion magazines to clothes. Prices are reasonable. Taiwanese’s most complete shopping destination.

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