Vis Cafe

Friends 483



Vis 是取自於古拉丁文ʺ活力ʺ的意思。 這裡歡迎喜好隨性自在,愛好喝咖啡,愛天馬行空聊天的朋友們。 在Vis我們創造輕鬆零距離的空間,以一種自在充滿活力的步調生活著,現在我們也將這樣的步調分享給你。來,聊天吧! Let's Vis everyday!! We love relaxed,easy going friends who enjoy a great cup of coffee as much as we do, while having fun chats on everything. We live free and with enthusiasm, and now let's share this style with you all. Come on, join us now and have a chit chat !!

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