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高雄 旗津心旅行 Travel with Heart 水岸城市中的海角樂園---旗津 一個綿延11公里的半島,藏著近350年的故事,街上的舊情老調觸動著小漁村的記憶,媽祖婆保佑著芸芸眾生、天父也守護著心靈,古老的砲台堅毅的捍衛著島嶼。 一分鐘的距離踏上沙灘、五分鐘的距離探訪旗津老街,讓海風與夕陽領著路,品味最旗津的生活,用一道道佳餚品嚐生活的美味! Cijin a seaside wonderland, a place of the very beginning of Kaohsiung, comes with 350 years story. Just a minute away to the beach, 5 minutes away from the Cijin Street, let sunshine and seagull lead the way to find more about here.

Country or region: Taiwan