Yukon 鈺功有限公司

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【ANP】 - 機櫃與配線產品一站購足

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本公司成立於1994,初期以OEM/ODM客製金屬件為主, 並於1998年開始機櫃產品與相關零配件的設計與製造. 2000年更達成機櫃外銷的目標. 為服務國內網路機櫃產品客戶, 公司於2005年成內銷子公司, 近幾年成功的推廣產品於國內市場, YUKON機櫃的市占率更是履創佳績. 鈺功有限公司 台北辦公室: 電話:02-2762-7100 傳真:02-2762-7300 信箱:anp.tw@msa.hinet.net 中壢工廠: 桃園市中壢區中正路1274巷47號 電話:03-422-3685 傳真:03-422-7826 主要產品:網路機櫃,伺服器機櫃,電腦機櫃,設備機櫃,機櫃層板,機櫃拖盤,機櫃鍵盤托盤,機櫃風扇組,機櫃相關零配件,客製金屬件...等 Yukon Co., Ltd. is a division of Shen Goan Precision Co., Ltd. Shen Goan was established in 1994 as a metal OEM/ODM manufacture. Since 1998, Shen Goan starts designing and manufacturing on Network Cabinets and Network Cabinet Relative Products. And in year 2000, Shen Goan reached its goal to successfully export its cabinets products to overseas market. Yukon Co., Ltd. was established by Shen Goan in year 2005 for serving domestic clients. For pass years, Yukon grows its market share year by year successfully. You are welcome to contact us for more details information about YUKON and our products. Yukon Company Limited Taipei Office: Tel:+886-2-2762-7100 Fax:+886-2-2762-7300

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