
Friends 809

點焊整廠流程Made in Taiwan

About US

金銲機電廠股份有限公司成立於1979年,在台灣專業生產點焊機、龍門點焊機、碰焊機、閃焊機、輪焊機、點焊網機及各式專用自動化焊接設備。 從業務接單、設計研發、生產製造皆在台灣一貫作業,請認明雙logo標誌。
Since 1979, Golden spot, is a Taiwan professional manufacturer of various automatic welding machines. Each production process is accomplished under one roof. Customized order is acceptable. The one and only genuine brand, 100% design and made in Taiwan, please identify our logo.

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Country or region: Taiwan