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香港商匯泓不動產專門協助日外商人士及高階主管尋找商辦、店面、住宅的租賃公司。 除了外商租賃仲介,增設的服務項目有: 1.家具租賃買賣 2.人力仲介派遣 3.大樓清潔 4.商場規畫及招租 歡迎來電預約看屋或委託 (02) 6617-8885 Herald Real Estate housing agency specializes in renting properties for foreigners investors and executives. We also can help you find a suitable office or store for your business. Other than renting properties, our team also offers extended services: 1. Rent & buy furniture; 2. Human resources management; 3. Cleaning services; 4.Assisting shopping mall shop planning and renting 大安店: 台北市安和路一段32號2樓之1 101店: 台北市信義區信義路六段6號

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