《完美、時髦、快樂,現代的美麗堅持》 現代髮藝創立於1992年,本店位於苗栗市中山路,(106.11.02,已搬遷至玉清路54號)自創立以來即將您的美麗視為我們的頭號任務,堅持為每位客戶打造專屬的時尚美學。 為進一步實踐您對於美麗的心願,現代於2002年及2003年先後在後龍及公館開展二、三店,以更貼身的距離實現您變美的願望,也奠定至今在苗栗髮廊界的龍頭地位。 1992年迄今,現代為無數客戶找到獨一無二的美麗,並將多年的服務經驗濃縮為「完美、時髦、快樂」的品牌宗旨。未來,現代也將持續推動美麗任務,每一位推開現代大門的您,都能帶著完美造型、時髦風格、快樂心情自信離開,現代陪您美麗迎接生活的精彩風景! •Welcome to Shandai • The constant pursuit of perfection, fashion and happiness in the field of beauty Shandai was founded in 1992 on Zhongshan Road in Miaoli City, and is now located at No. 54 on Yuqing Road. Our mission has always been discovering and recreating your beauty since the day one, and over the years, we have persisted in establishing individual fashion aesthetic for every customer who walks in. •To fulfill everyone’s heat desires for beauty, Shandia opened its second and third stores to narrow the distance with customers with delicate one-to-one service. Starting from 1992 till now, Shandia has found and polished the unique beauty that lies in every individual for
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徵設計師,助理:抽成制有保底,勞健團保,月休8日。 本店亦有產學班,健教班,歡迎國高中應屆畢業生,就讀兼就業,無學費壓力,畢業後直升高中至大學,技術與文品兼備,終身受用無窮!