
Friends 62


關於 Buddhist Tripitaka Dharmma Center is created by Zen Master Shih Lien-hai.The objectives are mainly the education, civilization, charity, and environmental protection as the scene of human futurity. 使命 1. Protect the Nation: to support the nation by promoting social harmony and nurturing fine civilization 2. Protect the religion: to sustain Buddhism by enhancing the quality of Sangha orders as to initiate a pure land in the world 3. Protect Buddha dharma: to spread Buddha dharma by abiding by the right doctrine as to continue the dharmakaya and wisdom-life 4. Protect the Sangha: to defense the Sangha by cracking heresy and highlighting the correctness as to persist the chaste stream. BTDC為佛教大藏法海中心的簡稱,除上述的宗旨任務外,尚統籌下列三個單位的活動與法務等事項: 一:景華道場 二:靈雲講堂 三:法明禪寺 佛教大藏法海中心,發行雙月刊「大藏法海」。其內容包含各組織單位的活動通啟、當期活動報導、佛學常識,亦有古往今來耐人尋味的中外典故,與蓮海禪師的善巧開示...,堪為我們待人接物、安身立命的指南。歡迎十方大眾助印,並深入研讀,汲取智慧如海。

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