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SHOPLINE 全球智慧開店平台成立於 2013 年,是亞洲最大及成長最快的SaaS (Software-as-a-service ) 商務平台以及解決方案服務商之一。SHOPLINE 豐富的生態圈服務提供最新的技術、資源及合作夥伴,全方位賦能店家成功;店家可透過 SHOPLINE 全通路解決方案包含電子商務、社群商務以及 POS 系統,成功將產品及服務銷售至全世界。
SHOPLINE 總部設立於新加坡,目前全球有約 2,000 名員工,並已協助全球超過 50 萬商家開店,包含 DR.WU、茶籽堂、綠藤生機、杜蕾斯 Durex、vacanza、美珍香、乾杯超市、Lady M、起士公爵、海邊走走、京盛宇等知名品牌都是 SHOPLINE 客戶。

Founded in 2013, SHOPLINE is one of Asia’s largest and fastest growing commerce Software-as-a-service and solution providers. The SHOPLINE platform offers a rich ecosystem of technologies, resources and partners that empowers merchants to succeed. Merchants leverage SHOPLINE’s omnichannel solutions for e-commerce, social commerce and point-of-sales to sell their products and services around the world.

SHOPLINE is headquartered in Singapore with about 2000 employees operating globally.

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