Bai Win Collection

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百韻古今傢俱文物飾品創立於1976年,收藏亞太地區古董藝術文物已超過四十年。鑑賞古董真品及各國藝術文物,擁有深入的專業知識及超凡品味。在百韻古今傢俱文物飾品的展間中擺放獨特且罕見的古老收藏品。在細心的保存維護下,完善呈現優美的古老文化。 藏品包含中國與台灣古董家俱、擺飾,如古典畫作、絲織品、陶器、木器、佛像、和陶瓷及各類紡織品,近代更新加入仿古傢俱;不同文化特色古物件,囊括如泰國、緬甸引進之青銅、漆器, 銅製佛像及民族風紡織品等。百韻古今傢俱文物飾品的常態展定期更換主題,讓觀賞者每次來都能感受不同氛圍,在觀賞中,再度感受悠遠歷史的溫度及美感,讓收藏品重現時代的風華面貌。 百韻古今文物飾品收藏項目極為豐富有趣,所提供的是獨到工藝藝術品,期待推廣古董藝品及傢具的家飾之美,讓悠遠歷史的溫度及美感,可以在現代生活空間再度被體現。 歡迎有興趣或是有需要的藏家蒞臨指教,亦室內設計規劃、房仲業者、建商樣品屋、電視、電影、雜誌拍攝,或公關公司活動等異業合作洽談。 百韻古今傢俱文物飾品服務的範圍包含常態性的主題展、古董藝品及傢具銷售、家飾藝品規劃協助、中式古董家具維修。 歡迎與百韻聯繫 Established in 1973, Baiwin Antiques, which is located in the Tienmu district, specializes in Oriental antique furniture and works of art. Its collection includes antiques from the Han, Ming and Qing Dynasties, among which you can find items such as chairs, desks, tables, armchairs, chests, mirrors, pots, bowls, vases, urns, boxes, statuettes, figurines, paintings, sculptures, textiles, and many more. The owner, Faye Angevine, a connoisseur of fine Chinese Antiques herself, has been traveling around Asia for over 40 years, hand-picking various items for display. Bai Win Antiques has been associated with fine antiquities from China and most of Southeast Asia. In Baiwin Antiques, you also can come across antiques from Indonesia, Korea, the Philippines, Cambodia, Vietnam and India.

Country or region: Taiwan