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法國當代BBR 味蕾與靈魂的邂逅

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法國當代BBR 品牌故事 Our Story 時尚 精緻 品味 Modern Exquisite Taste 秉承着半個世紀的熱誠與激情,法國當代BBR提供貴賓們獨一無二且至臻尊貴的外燴服務. 舉凡國際精品記者發表會,知名企業盛大晚會,頂級珠寶VIP 鑒賞會,私人時尚享樂晚宴,貴婦悠閒午茶聚會,豪宅賓主盡歡饗宴,主人翁生日派對,溫馨社區型態晚會;法國當代BBR 皆以專案設計方式,提供顧客們量身訂製的宴會餐點與氛圍。在驚艷的視覺設計與獨特的味覺享受邂逅下,深黯精緻餐飲文化的貴賓們,必能享有一場璀燦華麗的Party. With the enthusiasm and passion that we’ve been offering for more than 50 years, BBR provides exquisite and incomparable catering for our honored guests. Our service includes: press conferences of international boutiques, grand evening parties of well-known enterprises, top-class jewelry displays for VIPs, private fashion evening parties, casual afternoon tea, luxurious parties in mansions, birthday parties, intimate community evening parties. BBR designs projects for every customer, offering customized delicacies and catering atmosphere. With sophisticated and magnificent visual designs, and delectable foods, BBR will transform your event into the ultimate indulgence for all your guests.

Country or region: Taiwan