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關於NiceDoctor 醫美術後的肌膚,如此敏感脆弱,難道只能屈就市場上過多不明成分添加的保養品,反而帶給肌膚無法預測的潛在傷害? 醫美術後肌膚,更應該有專用的保養品牌 醫美保養專科品牌「NiceDoctor」,與歐美先進醫美實驗室合作,援引生化權威研發之醫美創新成分,專為亞洲人肌膚需求 進行創研,成功研發市場首創術後醫美專用保養品。 回歸原始 傾聽肌膚需求 “Back to Basic,是NiceDoctor醫美團隊在商品研發過程中,由衷的堅持與訴求;NiceDoctor追求天然、有效的保養成份, 傾 聽肌膚需求,並給予最溫和、最適切的保養與照護。 成分簡單 溫和不刺激 「NiceDoctor」質地精純與高親膚性,機轉醫美肌膚新生機制,全系列以術後保養配方為基礎,講究溫和、成份簡單、當然, 一般 膚質更加適用 About NiceDoctor About NiceDoctor NiceDoctor, founded by a team of the cosmetic dermatologist and aesthetic experts in 2005, is committed to medical skin care products. We have been seeking for the natural and effective ingredients without additives. The products are designed for the sensitive skin and suitable for skin care after aesthetic therapy. These ingredients contained in our products are the latest research results by the biomedical technology from France. Our sale marketing is from the drug and cosmetic stores to the worldwide internet, and recommended by many well-known bloggers and professional users. Nice

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.電視演員及藝人 明星部落客 推薦分享 .珍貴藍銅胜肽成分 修護肌膚 .超高CP值 一罐抵100片保濕面膜 .榮獲FG評鑑特優 中乾性肌膚 滿意度100% .通過 SGS 貼布檢驗


.富含分子酊(神經醯胺),皮膚科醫師推薦保濕成分 .歐盟有機認證苦薄荷萃取,給予肌膚冰涼舒適感 .維他命B5及玻尿酸成分 提升肌膚保濕 .榮獲FG 特優推薦

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