《聰明時尚職場穿搭,免費寄送到府試穿》 ✔️商務、正式場合,展現專業 ✔️彈性、透氣,整天清爽舒適 ✔️多口袋設計,兼顧時尚與功能 ✔️Smart Casual ,各種場合皆可以 走過46個年頭,男人終於找到了PROFI 經由「P」轉化而成的鑰匙孔,開啟了一個專業且歷經淬鍊而生的品牌 而PROFI在德文就是「專業」的意思 PROFI起源於46年歷史的國際褲料生產工藝背景,專精在男人Smart Trousers領域中,打造著每件老靈魂新創意的男褲,以專業及經驗為男性褲裝研發出Smartphone Pocket、Secret Pocket、Safety Pocket等各式功能性口袋,而在褲款版型、線條比例、細節作工、布料選擇、水洗處理、內外舒適感上更是一絲不苟,因為,男人就是值得一件好褲。 After 46 years of searching, through the P-shaped keyhole, Men finally have PROFI, a brand that has undergone the course of professionalism and refinement. PROFI means “professional” in Deutsch, originating from the background of the 46-year woven bottom production experiences for international brands. PROFI specializes in men’s Smart Trousers and develops various functional pockets based on professionalism and experiences, such as Smartphone Pockets, Secret Pockets, and Safety Pockets….etc. PROFI trousers inherit proud tradition and come with modern creativity, going for perfectionism in style design, patterns, details, fabric choosing, garment washing, and comfortable wearing. PROFI - Men deserve a decent pair of smart trouser