Kinfolk Co. 樂於分享一種享受慢活、輕鬆和不拘束的生活態度,我們隱身於巷弄社區中跟左鄰右舍打成一片。我們在這個場域、交會、認識、享受快樂的時光。拜訪這裡之前,我們都是陌生人,離開這裡時,我們卻都有了共同的回憶。也因為這樣與家人般親切自在的熟悉感,讓我們再訪與認識更多的新朋友。 在這樣快速繁忙的社會中,我們只追求簡單、樸實與純粹,保留能讓您感到最舒適的環境與餐點。除此之外,我們更想做的是營造一種類似“共同&分享”的概念,緣起於澳洲與歐洲的咖啡與茶文化,這些飲料舒心了每位來訪的客人,放鬆之際,也提供大家交談的機會。我們希望Kinfolk Co. 可以帶給大家一個分享的平台,不只在Kinfolk Cheese& Coffee內,也歡迎在我們即將於2015年一月底開幕的新餐飲概念中山店與即將上線的官網上分享您的生活提案。 The Kinfolk Company is actually inspired by the laissez-faire lifestyle which treats the entire community as kins, but not quite exactly by relations. The effort is targeted at offering the community our venue as a place to not only have a hearty meal, but also to meet and chat with new others. Compared to traditional dining outlets, we focus more on engaging the community and feel at ease interacting with our staff. It is not uncommon for our patrons to foster new friendships. In fact, you’d be surprise how many new friendships the communal table has brought. with the uprising trend of australian and european cuppa culture, we
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- Mon00:00 - 00:00
- Tue00:00 - 00:00
- Wed00:00 - 00:00
- Thu00:00 - 00:00
- Fri00:00 - 00:00
- Sat00:00 - 00:00
- Sun00:00 - 00:00