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高雄中央公園英迪格酒店隸屬於IHG洲際酒店集團,全館 129 間客房,和 CRAFT 咖啡廳、Wok on the Park 全日餐廳及 Pier no.1 酒吧。 全日餐廳 Wok on the Park 飲食,通常是瞭解一個地區文化最好的途徑,酒店行政主廚深諳此道,甄選在地新鮮食材,於特色餐廳烹飪融合海港風情和小吃文化的豐盛佳餚,為您開啟驚豔的味蕾之旅。

咖啡廳 Craft 想簡單來一杯激發靈感的咖啡、一客滿足心靈的歐風餐食,或隨手帶走一杯新鮮果汁充實早晨,來 Craft 愜意感受,與人交流,享用趣味和美味的完美平衡。

酒吧 Pier No. 1 想體會高雄夜生活,就前往景致獨特的高空酒吧!邊啜飲調酒師的特調雞尾酒或上等葡萄酒,邊俯瞰城市絕美夜景,伴隨著觸動人心的音律,在遠處燈火一明一滅中,發現絢爛風情。

Cuisine is one of the best ways to get to know a new city. Our executive chef selects the best fresh local ingredients to assemble a culinary array that incorporates the distant and near, making for an amazing experience.

Whether you want a satisfying European meal, a fresh cup of fruit juice for the morning, or some enticing coffee, head to Craft to see what we have to offer!

Are you looking to kick tonight off? Pier NO.1 is the place to head! Sip on a drink our bartender mixes up for you or have a glass of wine, look down over the city and enjoy the sights and accompanying music, and take it all in! Pier NO.1 awaits you.

Country or region: Taiwan