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關於福宏 福宏商務旅館位於新竹市中心,鬧中取靜、交通便利,四周各式餐飲、休閒處所林立。距離車站、城隍廟走路五分鐘即可到達。提供自助式早餐、WIFI上網、洗衣設備、礦泉水等免費服務。當你風塵僕僕來到新竹,福宏商務旅館竭誠歡迎您親臨享受一趟完美無憾的-新竹之旅。 From your first step into FUHUNG HOTEL, You will be impressed by our warm reception and excellent service staff. FUHUNG HOTEL, located in the center of downtown Hsinchu City, is conveniently surrounded by every imaginable international and local cuisine restaurants, As well as bars, night spots and other entertainment. Our offerings include dozens of luxurious suites, Hundreds of single and double occupancy rooms, At the most affordable prices available in Hsinchu. All rates include complimentary mineral water, buffet breakfast, wifi internet connection as well as free laundry service. Long-term occupancy contracts are available at very generous discounts. 新竹市最中心に位置する-福宏ホテル。賑やかな都市のなかでひとつ靜かな空間交通の便利も良く暖かいサービス安い料金などきっと お客様に十分満足して頂けるものと 確信しております。長い旅路で疲れた 身体を安心して休みていただくため 高品質のホテルサービスをお届けします。お客様にとっては 出張、娯楽、旅行など いつでも 自分の手に 入れることができる理想的な場所です

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