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我們建造了優質的環境,泳池、烤肉、包棟、會議室,滿足家人好友的歡樂時光! 悅來Villa為隱身礁溪的獨棟Villa,風雅時尚的設計和屋外廣大的草皮取得巧妙平衡,整體空間以簡約為基底,微奢華的舒適與設計感在小細節中隨處可見,宛如品味獨到的設計師的家卻又更多了一份家的柔軟親近。 悅來Villa邀請您一起放慢眼光、思緒與您的心,讓生活跟上自己,讓我們一點溫暖與創意,為您添加能量,迎接人生中的每一個風景。悅來的兩棟Villa可以提供30人包棟,不論您是車聚、求婚、烤肉、會議,都是宜蘭包棟民宿的最佳選擇! Hello 🤗: I am the housekeeper of Yuelai Villa, we are located at No. 50, Section 1, Yulong Road, Jiaoxi Township, Yilan County. ✨ We’re close to Yilan Interchange, only 3 minutes away. ✨We also provide private residential villas rental service, and below are some details of our rental service. - Building A can meet up to 20 people demands. - Building B with less than 10 people If your group are more than 30 people, we also provide extra beds service, which can meet up to 45 people maximum. Here are some available services, facilities and equipment in our villas: 🏊 An open swimming pool 🍳 Kitchen equipment 🍖 Barbecue area 🎤Audio-visual equipment 🚴‍♀️Free bikes 🀄️Free mahjong 🍞The next day breakfast 🛀 Complete toiletries We can also help you arrange for whale watching trip and order barbecue ingredients!

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悅來villa宜蘭泳池20-28人包棟See more


🎈旺季6-9月(泳池獨用) 週日~週四平日20人以內包棟價29800元/一晚 週五、週六、連續假日20人以內包棟價36800元/一晚 超過人數可以加床,每床900元 🎈淡季 週日~週四平日包棟價26800/一晚 週五週六假日包棟價32800/一晚 超過人數可以加床,每床800元 (五歲以下不佔床不收費,六歲以上皆算一床) 🎈跨年、農曆年期間 20人以內包棟價36800元 超過人數可以加床,每床900元 ⋯⋯最多加8床⋯⋯

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