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Olympus City Garden

Olympus City Garden Luxury DREAM HOME💭 This condominium is in the top 10 Coolest Condos of 2022 Thailand Pattaya Join us & Get A Hot Deal Today! We Guarantee the best prices in the market Global Top Group - Top Service for You Customer Service +66 0907417417

City Garden Tower

The timeless Pleasures of Pattaya City Escape to a new life in a beautiful Condominium with modern amenities, where the city meets the sky. The homes feature some of the most awe-inspiring views anywhere in Pattaya Global Top Group - Top Service for You Customer Service +66 0907417417

Paradise Ocean Views

HERE You Can Find Your Dream Condo In PATTAYA ! Luxury Living by the SEA With BREATHTAKING SEA VIEWS. Global Top Group - Top Service for You Customer Service +66 0907417417

City Garden Tropicana

Enjoy Luxury Tropical Pools and Greenery views City Garden Tropicana a comfortable Privacy with a convenient lifestyle LUXURY Units are coming Fully Furnished with 24 HR security Enjoy Great facilities such as Fitness Room, Pools, Gardens, Sky Garden, Sun deck, Sauna, steam rooms, and much more. Global Top Group - Top Service for You Customer Service +66 0907417417

City Garden Pattaya

Discover a modern life in Central Pattaya in the most elegant luxury Condominiums Brands Very safety - The location is Perfect a short walk to the sea shopping malls restaurants Massage shops and everything you needs ! ! ! Global Top Group - Top Service for You Customer Service +66 0907417417

City Garden Pratumnak

Located in a peaceful location at Pratumank hill Central Pattaya - just a minutes walk to the most Beautiful Beach of Pattaya cozy beach and the best restaurants to find in Pattaya BookYourStay beautiful rooms for rent and sale Real Estate Services in Pattaya We are a Property Developer Global Top Group a highly qualified and experienced for more than 40 years worldwide Our customer services are available 24 hours. Contact Us now for investment Property in Pattaya Global Top Group - Top Service for You Customer Service +66 0907417417

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Marina Golden Bay

Marina Golden Bay - Under construction āļĄāļēāļĢāļīāļ™āđˆāļē āđ‚āļāļĨāđ€āļ”āđ‰āļ™ āđ€āļšāļĒāđŒ - āļ­āļĒāļđāđˆāļĢāļ°āļŦāļ§āđˆāļēāļ‡āļ”āļģāđ€āļ™āļīāļ™āļāļēāļĢāļāđˆāļ­āļŠāļĢāđ‰āļēāļ‡

Olympus City Garden

Olympus City Garden - Completed Ready to move in āđ‚āļ­āļĨāļīāļĄāļ›āļļāļŠ āļ‹āļīāļ•āļĩāđ‰ āļāļēāļĢāđŒāđ€āļ”āđ‰āļ™āļ—āđŒ - āđ€āļŠāļĢāđ‡āļˆāļŠāļĄāļšāļđāļĢāļ“āđŒ āļžāļĢāđ‰āļ­āļĄāđ€āļ‚āđ‰āļēāļ­āļĒāļđāđˆ

City Garden Tower

City Garden Tower - Completed Ready to move in. āļ‹āļīāļ•āļĩāđ‰ āļāļēāļĢāđŒāđ€āļ”āđ‰āļ™āļ—āđŒ āļ—āļēāļ§āđ€āļ§āļ­āļĢāđŒ - āđ€āļŠāļĢāđ‡āļˆāļŠāļĄāļšāļđāļĢāļ“āđŒ āļžāļĢāđ‰āļ­āļĄāđ€āļ‚āđ‰āļēāļ­āļĒāļđāđˆ

The Cloud

The Cloud - Completed Ready to move in. āđ€āļ”āļ­āļ° āļ„āļĨāļēāļ§āļ”āđŒ - āđ€āļŠāļĢāđ‡āļˆāļŠāļĄāļšāļđāļĢāļ“āđŒ āļžāļĢāđ‰āļ­āļĄāđ€āļ‚āđ‰āļēāļ­āļĒāļđāđˆ

City Garden Tropicana

City Garden Tropicana - Completed Ready to move in. āļ‹āļīāļ•āļĩāđ‰ āļāļēāļĢāđŒāđ€āļ”āđ‰āļ™āļ—āđŒ āļ—āļĢāļ­āļ›āļīāļ„āļēāļ™āļē - āđ€āļŠāļĢāđ‡āļˆāļŠāļĄāļšāļđāļĢāļ“āđŒ āļžāļĢāđ‰āļ­āļĄāđ€āļ‚āđ‰āļēāļ­āļĒāļđāđˆ

City Garden Pratumnak

City Garden Pratumnak - Completed Ready to move in. āļ‹āļīāļ•āļĩāđ‰ āļāļēāļĢāđŒāđ€āļ”āđ‰āļ™āļ—āđŒ āļžāļĢāļ°āļ•āļģāļŦāļ™āļąāļ - āđ€āļŠāļĢāđ‡āļˆāļŠāļĄāļšāļđāļĢāļ“āđŒ āļžāļĢāđ‰āļ­āļĄāđ€āļ‚āđ‰āļēāļ­āļĒāļđāđˆ

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