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上馬租車提供國際旅客在台灣租車、自駕旅遊...等服務,自駕車輛皆為合法租賃車。 抵達桃園機場的旅客,上馬都有專車接送到門市。

Shangma Car Rental provides international tourists with services such as car rental and self-driving tours in Taiwan. All self-driving vehicles are legal rental cars. Passengers arriving at Taoyuan Airport will be taken to the store by a special car.
The driving service includes a group of professional drivers who have obtained professional licenses and have many years of travel experience to take you around Taiwan. Whether it is Taoyuan Airport (Taipei Airport), Taichung Airport (Qingquangang Airport), Kaohsiung Airport (Xiaogang Airport), etc., we provide punctual and safe services and welcome your reservation.

Country or region: Taiwan