FOUND HAIR 位於台北市東區,為具專業美學的高端髮廊。
FOUND HAIR 旗下每位團隊成員皆堅信美學,秉持為顧客找尋獨特髮型風格為信念,並以精湛的技術,專業的服務,給予顧客高品質的消費,提供客製化的造型、妝髮等諮詢服務。
Founded with a strong belief in aesthetic design, FOUND HAIR creates a simple, elegant environment to provide authentic services using professional knowledge and techniques.
We highly value each customer, share the best quality advices and experiences at all times to assist customers in becoming uniquely beautiful, intelligent and confident.
FOUND HAIR, making your inner beauty shines through.
如果你是積極、認真負責、有毅力、不怕辛苦、求知慾高、願意接受挑戰,且對美髮產業具有高度熱忱者,不限年齡,FOUND HAIR 團隊,提供優質的環境、專業的各方技術教育,若你想累積經驗,成為獨當一面設計師,相信 FOUND HAIR 會是你的首選之一。
歡迎加入 FOUND HAIR 團隊,成為我們的一份子。
FOUND 價目表 <服務採分項計費> See more
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- MonClosed
- Tue11:00 - 19:30
- Wed11:00 - 19:30
- Thu11:00 - 17:00
- Fri11:00 - 19:30
- Sat11:00 - 19:30
- Sun11:00 - 17:00
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