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於是,遊子歸鄉,踏實在家鄉的泥土上,從臺灣、巴黎、到世界,再創美的高峰 ──『Beauté Sublime 絕代風華』, 一個 M.I.T.的世界品牌 ,誕生於2013年的秋天 。 『BS絕代風華』發想於肌膚的永恆美妍,落實於完美的作品質地。藝術家的專業執著為品質設下嚴格把關的一道道防線──以靈敏嗅覺,調配出產品的最好味道,並用揮灑於琴鍵之上的細膩觸覺,琢磨出細緻親切的產品觸感,而這些元素,加乘上尖端生化科學家所開發出的活性胜肽,成就了BS胜肽系列產品無與倫比的生命力與美感! Thus, the wanderer came home. From Taiwan, Paris, to the world, She is now reaching the summit of beauty by Beauté Sublime, a global brand made in Taiwan which was born in the Fall of 2013. Beauté Sublime aims to retain the beauty of our skin. Only the perfect products with the perfect texture can achieve this vision. Attentive and professional, the artist’s strict standards guarantee the highest quality. The sensitive sense of smell found the best combination of scents and the delicate sense of touch decided the exquisite texture of the products. The talents, along with peptides developed by biochemical scientists, gave birth to Beauté Sublime whose peptide series embodies paramount vitality and beauty!

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