炭紀 Teagraphy

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炭索四季茶敘See more


茶湯爽口、回甘 滋味飽滿、具有收斂性 特點 梔子花香洋溢 入口香氣上衝 餘韻清甜 The spring came with a gentle spirit, as one who realizes that warming up softly often brings the bests results to the heart and soul. Sijichun was developed to produce the floral character of Spring all year round. It has pure and strong fresh flower aroma without any bitterness or dryness.

$390炭焙紅烏龍(Red Oolong)

入口圓滑渾厚 具紅茶熟果香及香甜味 又帶有烏龍茶的甘醇 特點 紅茶香韻、烏龍甘醇 兼而有之 The sky blazes blue and the sun in a celebration of yellow, free and bright in summer. Red oolong has an amber color, strong sweet honey taste. Both with aroma of Black Tea and aftertastes of Oolong Tea.


茶湯圓潤 餘韻融合淡淡奶香 及龍眼炭焙火香甜 特點 強收斂性 餘韻融合淡淡奶香 及焙火香甜 The trees are laughing once more, dressed in their carnival clothes, the gold and scarlet of the autumn days. JinXuan has the classic milk /cream taste, slightly sweet, like the mature and diverse flavors in the autumn garden.


茶湯濃韻厚實 杯底餘留明顯龍眼木炭 烘焙的香甜味 特點 高火功 焙火香氣濃郁 喉韻上佳 Wintry teas stand as ballet dancers poised to show the world their grace, strength showing in how they remain so still in the seasonal gusts. Oolong has deep woodsy aroma and mellow, full-bodied roasted character, with a pleasant balance of bitter and sweet taste.

Country or region: Taiwan