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產品以台灣傳統茶文化基底,搭配特選台灣在地特產、配合現代人生活方式推出不同的茶品與包裝,點亮生活的每一日,就從喝茶開始。Deligted your life, DLIC TEA.


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$500阿里山烏龍茶 75g

生長在雲霧繚繞,日夜溫差的阿里山,適合茶葉生長的環境,果膠充足。 100%手採,手工原葉茶,無添加人工香料。 每年自主送驗農藥殘留檢測,符合台灣與國際標準,敬請安心飲用。 烏龍茶湯香氣:蜂蜜、森林中杉樹香氣、燕麥與淡淡奶香。 因茶葉屬天然產品,每年帶有的香氣會有些許不同。 茶乾:球狀墨綠色。 茶湯:金黃色。 茶底:蜂蜜、花香、果香。 後韻:回甘。 產地:台灣嘉義阿里山 內容物: 1罐75克純阿里山烏龍茶, 鐵罐內之茶葉為真空包裝,阻隔空氣。 茶種: 青心烏龍種, 阿里山烏龍茶乾為球狀,茶乾顏色為深綠色。 保存方式: 開封後盡快飲用,避免陽光直射或置於潮濕環境。 ~相揪來泡茶~ 『熱泡』-阿里山烏龍茶 茶量:覆蓋容器底部五分之一 水溫:85度-95度 沖泡時間:一泡氣味濃:90秒、二泡茶香濃:兩分鐘、三泡韻味甘:每泡起增加三十秒。 『冷泡』 茶量:100g水:2g茶葉。 水溫:常溫水或冷水。 時間:置於陰涼處或冰箱(夏天)內8小時,即可飲用。 可依個人飲用習慣,尋找適合自己的泡茶方式! It is partially-fermented tea which is famous in Asia. Grown in Alishan, hand-picking and natural drying by sun. No extra flavor added. Meets food regulations in Taiwan. Dry Tea: Ball type dark green; Tea Liquid Color: Golden; Tea Insense: honey, flower and fruit. After-taste: sweet. Place of Origin: Alishan, Chiayi, Taiwan Alishan, Ali Mountain (Altitude: 1700m) is a famous place to plant and nourish tea where it is covered by mist more than half a day. Because of the altitude and the weather, cool temperature slows down bush's growth, causing smaller and thicker leaf which also preserve the nutrients and making unique flavor of tea. Content: 100% Alishan Oolong Loose Leaves, vacuum package in tin can. Storage: Drink it as soon as possible and please keep away from sunlight and humid environment. Let's make tea together ! ~Hot Brew: Tea Amount: For tight ball shape tea leaves, please fill the cup / tea pot with tea leaves which cover one fifth of the cup/tea pot.For tight ball shape tea leaves, Water Temperature: 85-95degree Celsius Time: First steep : 80 sec, the most aromatic. Second steep : 40 sec, rich flavor. Third steep : Increase 30 sec from third steep on. ~Cold Brew: Tea Amount: Put tea leaves into the bottle which contains 90% water. 100cc water: 2g tea leaves Water Temperature: Cold or room temperature water Time: Avoid sunlight and put it indoors or in the refrigerator for 6-8 hours.

$400醇雅奶香 阿里山奶香烏龍 Milk Oolong

DLIC TEA的奶香烏龍為金萱茶種,又稱為金萱烏龍。而金萱為俗稱之27仔的台茶12號。自然濃郁的奶香為其特色之一。


嚴選台灣南投當地烏龍茶與桂花,以輕發酵輕焙火之烏龍作為基底,搭配台灣產之桂花,用長時間窨製而成的桂花烏龍茶。聞時桂花香氣入鼻久不散,啜飲茶湯,桂花香氣與烏龍茶特有花果香完美融合,口齒留香。 忙於生活也別忘放鬆,喝茶不需要儀式,茶包輕鬆簡易泡,享受茶香很簡單。茶包採用日本進口尼龍PET立體茶包與拉繩,經過鑑驗為安全無毒與耐熱之包裝材質。 產地:台灣南投 重量:3g*10入茶包 保存方式: 盡快飲用,避免陽光直射或置於潮濕環境。 We select Oolong Tea leaf and Osmanthus flower which are produced in Nantou, Taiwan. Before drinking the tea, you can smell the aroma of Osmanthus Flower, and you can feel the sweet of Oolong tea while drinking. This is the classic combination of Oolong tea and Osmanthus, it is hard to forget. Busy with life and work, there is no ritual of drinking tea. Tea bag is one of convenient choice for your tea time. The material of tea bag is PET from Japan which is certificated to be safe to human body and high temperature resistance. Place of Origin: Nantou, Taiwan Ingredient/Content 10 tea bags X 3g of 100% Taiwan Oolong Loose Leaf with Osmanthus Tea Bag: PET Storage Drink it as soon as possible and please keep away from sunlight and humid environment.


台灣茶也可以很洋味~ 以手採之南投日月潭紅茶作為基底,搭配天然玫瑰花瓣,用長時間窨製而成的玫瑰紅茶。味道清幽,香氣濃郁,紅茶與玫瑰互相搭配,不搶奪各自風采,完美融合。沖泡後啜飲,口鼻帶有甜甜玫瑰香氣與日月潭紅茶獨特氣息。 忙於生活也別忘放鬆,喝茶不需要儀式,茶包輕鬆簡易泡,享受茶香很簡單。茶包採用日本進口尼龍立體茶包與拉繩,經過鑑驗為安全無毒與耐熱之包裝材質。 原料:玫瑰花瓣、日月潭紅茶 產地:玫瑰花瓣-斯里蘭卡; 日月潭紅茶-台灣南投 重量:3g*10入茶包(材質:PET) Sun Moon Lake Black Tea is used as foundation with natural rose petal. It takes long time to scent the Black Tea and makes the Tea more flavor. It is a good combination that rose and Black Tea keep their original taste. Busy with life and work, there is no ritual of drinking tea. Tea bag is one of convenient choice for your tea time. The material of tea bag is PET from Japan which is certificated to be safe to human body and high temperature resistance. Material: Rose Petal, Sun Moon Lake Black Tea. Place of Origin: Rose: Sri Lanka; Sun Moon Lake Black Tea-Nantou, Taiwan. Weight: 3g*10 sacht (PET)


台灣紅茶配上台灣家家戶戶傳統食材-生薑,迸出新滋味!驅寒保暖與暖胃一次滿足。以手採之南投日月潭紅茶作為基底,搭配生薑,黃金比例調配,用長時間窨製而成的薑紅茶。口感溫和,無生薑之嗆辣,香氣層次分明。 以熱水沖泡,薑香襲來;啜飲入喉,紅茶甘甜韻味,雙重享受。 在初秋、冬季與初春時節添加一股暖意。 產地:台灣南投 成分:生薑、日月潭紅茶 重量:3g*10入 Black Tea with Taiwan traditional cooking ingredient-Ginger make the new Flavor of Tea. It can keep you warm and feel relax at the same time. Sun Moon Lake Black Tea and dry ginger are used with nice and golden percentage to make Ginger Black Tea. It tastes smooth not spicy. For hot Brew, you can smile the scent of ginger; while drinking, you can tastes the sweetness of black tea, it is the double joy. It is the best choice of tea in early-Autumn and Winter time. Place of Origin: Nantou, Taiwan. Ingredient: Ginger and Sun Moon Lake Black Tea. Weight: 3g*10 sachets.


採用龍眼花製成的茶品,獻給對咖啡因敏感的你。 使用100%純龍眼花製成的龍眼花茶,無任何人工添加物,散發天然龍眼花香。沖泡前,龍眼花香撲鼻,熱水沖泡後,花蜜香氣襲來,好似沐浴在山林花園間。 忙於生活也別忘放鬆,喝茶不需要儀式,茶包輕鬆簡易泡,享受茶香很簡單。茶包採用日本進口尼龍立體茶包與拉繩,經過鑑驗為安全無毒與耐熱之包裝材質。 產地:南投中寮 成分:100% 龍眼花 重量:2g*10入 Longan Flower Tea is caffeine free, it is the gift to whom is allergy to caffeine. 100% pure Longan Flower is used, no artificial sweeten added. Honey smell comes out when making the tea as if you are in garden or mountains. You also can taste the longan berry aroma and enjoy the distinct honey taste. Busy with life and work, there is no ritual of drinking tea. Tea bag is one of convenient choice for your tea time. The material of tea bag is PET from Japan which is certificated to be safe to human body and high temperature resistance. Place of Origin: Nantou, Taiwan. Ingredient: 100% Dry Longan Flower Weight: 2g*10 sachets.

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