Friends 95,049
法朋線上訂購See more
慶祝蛋糕鮮奶油因運送過程中容易毀損 故無法宅配 請提前三至五天前訂購
獨享小蛋糕剛剛好的尺寸 自己獨享最對味 鮮奶油因運送過程中容易毀損 故無法宅配
餅乾/燒菓子提供各式罐裝餅乾、單片餅乾可選購 如有訂購需求前往官網下訂
伴手禮盒提供多款商品可選購 目前年節禮盒全數銷售完畢
Health & safety
In-store safety policiesInfo provided by the business
- Sanitized surfaces
- Regular ventilation
- Sanitized seats
- Hand sanitizer dispensers
- Plexiglass partitions
- Staff must wear face masks
- Staff must regularly use sanitizer, wash hands, and gargle mouthwash
- Face masks required
- Temperature checks
- Entrance restrictions for sick customers
- Staggered entry and seating
Country or region: Taiwan