とうふ処 杉原

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Today Tofu







Thank you for watching. We will be using Mizukuguri soybeans from Shiga Prefecture, a rare native variety, from November 13th (Monday).
Soybeans contain plenty of nutrients that are good for women, such as protein, dietary fiber, and soy isoflavones. Green soybeans, whose name comes from the phrase ``fruitful even if they go through water'', are a safe choice for your daily dining table.




Thank you for taking a look.
From July 24th (Monday), we will use “Nagano Prefecture Soybean Hitorimusume”.
A soybean named after being raised like a precious only daughter.
Green soybeans are low in fat and contain many functional components such as soy isoflavones and soy saponins. It is a very late-ripening edamame variety, and it is so delicious that it is so delicious that you can't tell others, so it is also called "Don't Say". As it is for a limited time, please try by all means at this opportunity.

New product soymilk


「 green soymilk plus+ 」
・almond tofu (杏仁とうふ) ¥280

ご高覧いただきありがとうございます。新商品の「 almond tofu (杏仁とうふ) 」です。

[ New product soy milk ]

"green soymilk plus+"

・almond tofu   ¥280


Thank you for taking a look. This is the new product "green soymilk plus+".
Made with a unique blend of carefully selected apricot kernels and rich soymilk of native varieties.
This apricot kernel tofu is rich but has a smooth texture that you can eat until the end without getting bored. Please take this opportunity to try it.




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From June 9th (Friday), the one and only “Kaori Mame” will begin. It is called Kaori-mame because this fragrance can be transmitted even from a distance. As the name suggests, it has a better aroma than general soybeans, contains almost twice as much isoflavone as general soybeans, and is low in fat and has a sweet taste. By all means, please try rare varieties called native varieties.

とうふ処杉原/Sugihara Tofu

Golden sesame Tofu


New product Tofu


Thank you for taking a look. It will be a new product, "Golden Sesame Tofu". Rare golden sesame seeds are combined with native soybeans and natural bittern extracted from clear seawater near Japan. Gold sesame has a strong umami and richness inherent in sesame, and is characterized by a rich flavor that is far superior to other varieties. Please try it.

とうふ処 杉原/Sugihara Tofu

Welcome,please come


とうふ処 杉原/sugihara tofu



とうふ処 杉原/sugihara tofu




元祖名代/The OriginatorSee more

生おから/Raw Okara

おとうふの製造過程でできる生おからは食物繊維が豊富で低糖質、ローカロリーの健康食材です。青森県産大豆と宮城県産大豆の2種類から出来た生おからになります。 約400g The raw bean curd lees produced in the tofu manufacturing process are rich in dietary fiber, low sugar, and low calorie, making them a healthy ingredient. Raw okara made from 2 types of soybeans, Aomori Prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture. About 400g Sugihara Tofu

豆乳/soy milk

厳選した国産大豆の優しい風味をそのままに、まろやかでコク甘味のある豆乳をお楽しみください。青森県産大豆と宮城県産大豆の2種類をブレンドさせて出来た豆乳です。 200ml Enjoy the mild flavor of carefully selected domestically produced soybeans as they are, and enjoy the mellow and rich sweetness of soymilk. This soymilk is made by blending two types of soybeans, one from Aomori and one from Miyagi. 200ml Sugihara Tofu

味付けいなり/Seasoned Inari

煮釜でじっくり煮込み、やさしい食感と上質な甘さに仕上げました。 そのまま寿司ご飯と詰めるだけで本格的な味のいなり寿司が10ヶ作れます。約30g×10ヶ Slowly simmered in a pot, it has a gentle texture and fine sweetness. You can make 10 authentic Inari sushi just by filling with sushi rice. 1 piece About 30g x 10 pieces Sugihara Tofu

生ゆば/Raw Yuba

国産大豆の甘みと旨みを贅沢に味わえる一品です。大豆イソフラボンをたっぷり摂取できるので美容効果も期待できます。生湯葉そのものの味をお刺身、煮物、お鍋などあらゆるお料理でお楽しみください。約20g×4ヶ You can enjoy the sweetness and umami of domestic soybeans in a luxurious way. You can also expect beauty effects because you can take plenty of soy isoflavones. Please enjoy the taste of raw yuba itself in all kinds of dishes such as sashimi, boiled dishes, and hot pot. About 20g x 4 pieces Sugihara Tofu

汲み上げゆば/pumped up Yuba

生ゆばの中でも一番美味しいところのゆばで、とろける様な柔らかい生ゆばです。大豆イソフラボンをたっぷり摂取できるので美容効果も期待できます。生湯葉そのものの味をお刺身、煮物、お鍋などあらゆるお料理でお楽しみください。約25g×4ヶ It is the most delicious yuba in the raw yuba, and it is a soft raw yuba that melts. You can also expect beauty effects because you can take plenty of soy isoflavones. Please enjoy the taste of raw yuba itself in all kinds of dishes such as sashimi, simmered dishes, and hot pot. About 25g x 4 pieces Sugihara Tofu

油揚げ/deep-fried tofu

厳選した2種類の国産大豆と半年以上熟成させた伝統にがりを使い、上質で最高品質な国産なたね油で1枚1枚丁寧に手揚げしました。 約25g Using two carefully selected types of domestically produced soybeans and traditional bittern that has been aged for more than half a year, each piece is carefully hand-fried in the highest quality domestic rapeseed oil. about 25g Sugihara Tofu

宮城県産大豆さかなまめ/sakanaSee more

在来絹ごし/Traditional Silken Tofu

在来品種の大豆と厳選した2種類の天然にがりをブレンドしたコクとまろやかさを感じる味わい深い絹ごしとうふです。天然にがりを100%使用しているため、「とても柔らかく」仕上がっており、生で食べる料理にぴったりです。サラダ、冷奴などを作るときにはこちらの在来絹ごしが合います。約350g Silken tofu with a rich and mellow flavor made from a blend of native soybeans and two carefully selected natural bittern. Because it uses 100% natural bittern, it has a "very soft" finish and is perfect for eating raw. When making salads, chilled tofu, etc., this traditional silk is good. About 350g Sugihara Tofu

在来木綿/Traditional Firm tofu

在来品種の大豆に半年以上熟成させた伝統にがりを加え仕上げました。大豆の風味と旨味を感じる味わい深い木綿とうふです。約340g Finished with a traditional bittern made by aging soybeans of native varieties for more than half a year. It is a rich cotton tofu with the flavor and umami of soybeans. About 340g Sugihara Tofu

寄せとうふ/Yose Tofu (Bronze)

在来品種の大豆を使い、伊豆大島産の天然にがりで寄せた香りと甘みを兼ね備えたおとうふです。ぜひ一口目はそのままで召し上がってみてください。大豆の純粋な甘みと旨みを楽しんでから、添付のだし醤油もしくは藻塩などお好みの調味料でお召し上がりください。約180g It is a tofu that combines the aroma and sweetness of natural bittern from Oshima, Izu, using native soybeans. Please try to eat the first bite as it is. After enjoying the pure sweetness and umami of soybeans, please enjoy it with your favorite seasoning such as the attached dashi soy sauce or algae salt. About 180g Sugihara Tofu

寄せとうふ(梅)/Yose Tofu (Silver)

在来品種の大豆を使い、室戸岬産の天然にがりで寄せました。ぜひ一口目はそのままで召し上がってみてください。大豆の甘みや旨みを引き出したコクのある美味しい寄せとうふ(梅)を楽しんでいただいてから、お好みで特典の藻塩や特選だし醤油をかけてお召し上がりください。約180g ※月曜日・火曜日限定の商品になります。 ※梅味ではございません。 We use native soybeans and add natural bittern from Cape Muroto. Please enjoy the first bite as it is. After enjoying the rich and delicious yose tofu (Silver) that draws out the sweetness and umami of soybeans, please enjoy it with the bonus seaweed salt or special dashi soy sauce as you like. about 180g *This product is only available on Mondays and Tuesdays. *Not plum flavored. Sugihara Tofu

寄せとうふ(竹)/Yose Tofu (Gold)

在来品種の大豆と選び抜かれた日本近海の澄んだ海水から取出した天然にがりを使用しました。ぜひ一口目はそのままで召し上がってみてください。ミネラル豊富で自然なまろやかさの寄せとうふ(竹)を楽しんでから、特典のだし醤油もしくは藻塩などお好みの調味料でお召し上がりください。約180g ※水曜日・木曜日限定の商品になります。 Made with native soybeans and carefully selected natural bittern extracted from clear seawater near Japan. Please enjoy the first bite as it is. After enjoying the mineral-rich, naturally mellow yose tofu (Gold), enjoy it with your favorite seasonings such as dashi soy sauce or seaweed salt. about 180g *This product is only available on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Sugihara Tofu

寄せとうふ(松)/Yose Tofu (Premium)

在来品種の大豆とミネラル豊富な日本海から取出した最高品質の天然海水にがりを使い仕上げました。ぜひ一口目はそのままで召し上がってみてください。上品で繊細な味の美味しい寄せとうふ(松)をご堪能いただいてから、特典のだし醤油もしくは藻塩などお好みの調味料でお召し上がりください。 約180g ※金曜日・土曜日限定の商品になります。 Finished with the highest quality natural seawater bittern extracted from the native soybeans and the mineral-rich Sea of Japan. Please enjoy the first bite as it is. After enjoying the delicious yose tofu (Premium) with an elegant and delicate taste, please enjoy it with your favorite seasoning such as dashi soy sauce or seaweed salt. about 180g *This product is only available on Fridays and Saturdays. Sugihara Tofu

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Mon09:00 - 18:00
Tue09:00 - 18:00
Wed09:00 - 18:00
Thu09:00 - 18:00
Fri09:00 - 18:00
Sat07:15 - 18:00
こちらはUber Eatsのデリバリーサービスになります。

Delivery (restaurant)

Mon09:00 - 18:00
Tue09:00 - 18:00
Wed09:00 - 18:00
Thu09:00 - 18:00
Fri09:00 - 18:00
Sat07:15 - 18:00
Delivery time
Approx. 30 minutes

Health & safety

  • Sanitized surfaces
  • Regular ventilation
  • Hand sanitizer dispensers
  • Staff must regularly use sanitizer, wash hands, and gargle mouthwash

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